By: Team T12-1
Since: Oct 2018
Licence: MIT
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Set Up
- 3. Design
- 4. Implementation
- 5. Documentation
- 6. Testing
- 7. Dev Ops
- Appendix A: Product Scope
- Appendix B: User Stories
- Appendix C: Use Cases
- Appendix D: Non Functional Requirements
- Appendix E: Glossary
- Appendix F: Instructions for Manual Testing
- F.1. Sign up for an account
- F.2. Log in to an account
- F.3. Setting a budget
- F.4. Setting a recurrence frequency
- F.5. Setting a category budget
- F.6. Set password for current user
- F.7. Encrypting and Decrypting
s - F.8. Showing statistics
- F.9. Notification Panel
- F.10. Toggling Notifications
- F.11. Budget Panel
- F.12. Category Panel
- F.13. Find expenses
- F.14. Mass edit expenses
1. Introduction
Expense Tracker is a desktop application that you can use to track your expenses. Expense Tracker provides you with features such as setting a budget and expense statistics, which help you stay within your budget.
The Expense Tracker Developer Guide contains all the information you need to start development on Expense Tracker. It also includes information about the overall architecture and implementation of various features in Expense Tracker. Whether this is your first project or your 37th project, this guide will help you to start contributing to Expense Tracker. Jump to Set up to start setting up your environment.
2. Set Up
Follow the steps in the sections below to start development on Expense Tracker:
2.1. Prerequisites
You will need to ensure that you have these two programs installed on your computer:
JDK 10
on Windows will fail to run tests in headless mode due to a JavaFX bug. Therefore we highly recommended you to use JDK9
. -
An Integrated Development Environment (IDE). We recommend using IntelliJ as instructions related to the IDE in this guide assume the use of IntelliJ
IntelliJ has Gradle and JavaFx plugins installed by default, which are both used in the development of Expense Tracker. If you have disabled them, go to File
to re-enable them.
2.2. The Project
Follow these steps to set up the project:
Fork this repo and clone the fork to your computer, in a folder of your choice.
Open IntelliJ (if you are not in the welcome screen, click
>Close Project
to close the existing project dialog first). -
>Project Defaults
>Project Structure
and find the directory of the JDK -
Import Project
Locate the
file in the project folder and select it. ClickOK
Open as Project
to accept the default settings -
Open a console and run the command
gradlew processResources
(Mac/Linux:./gradlew processResources
). It should finish with theBUILD SUCCESSFUL
This will generate all resources required by the application and tests.
In order to verify that you have successfully set the project up:
and try a few commands -
Run the tests and ensure that they all pass.
2.3. Configurations
The following lists configurations that should be applied before writing code:
2.3.1. Coding style
This project follows oss-generic coding standards. IntelliJ’s default style is mostly compliant but it uses a different import order from ours. To rectify:
Go to
(Windows/Linux), orIntelliJ IDEA
(macOS) -
>Code Style
Click on the
tab to set the order-
Class count to use import with '*'
andNames count to use static import with '*'
: Set to999
to prevent IntelliJ from contracting the import statements -
Import Layout
: The order isimport static all other imports
,import java.*
,import javax.*
,import org.*
,import com.*
,import all other imports
. Add a<blank line>
between eachimport
Optionally, you can follow the instructions in the UsingCheckstyle.adoc document to configure Intellij to check style-compliance as you write code.
2.3.2. Documentation
If you plan to develop this fork as a separate product (instead of contributing to Expense Tracker), you should do the following:
Configure the site-wide documentation settings in
, such as thesite-name
, to suit your own project. -
Replace the URL in the attribute
with the URL of your fork.
See [Implementation-Configuration] for more configurations to set if you wish to develop this fork as a separate product |
In the Developer Guide, many diagrams are used to illustrate various components of Expense tracker. These are created using .pptx
files used which can be found in the diagrams folder. To update a diagram, modify the diagram
in the relevant pptx file, select the all objects of the diagram, right click and choose Save as picture . You can then
save the image in the images folder, and use them in the Developer Guide.
2.3.3. Continuous Integration
Set up Travis to perform Continuous Integration (CI) for your fork. See UsingTravis.adoc to learn how to set it up.
After setting up Travis, you can optionally set up coverage reporting for your team’s fork (see UsingCoveralls.adoc).
Coverage reporting could be useful for a team repository that hosts the final version but it is not that useful for your personal fork. |
Optionally, you can set up AppVeyor as a second CI (see UsingAppVeyor.adoc).
Having both Travis and AppVeyor ensures your App works on both Unix-based platforms and Windows-based platforms (Travis is Unix-based and AppVeyor is Windows-based) |
Now you’re all set to start coding! If you want to get a sense of the overall design, take some time to read up on the design of the application.
3. Design
3.1. Overview of Architecture
The Architecture Diagram given above explains the high-level design of Expense Tracker. Given below is a quick overview for each component
has only one class called MainApp
. It is responsible for:
Initialising the components in the correct sequence and connecting them up with each other when the app is launched.
Shutting down the components and invoking cleanup methods where necessary when the app is shut down.
represents a collection of classes used by multiple other components.
is the command executor. It defines its API in the
interface and exposes its functionality using the
Read Logic
for more details.
is responsible for the UI of the App. It defines its API in the
interface and exposes its functionality using the
Read UI
for more details.
holds the data of the App in-memory. It defines its API in the
interface and exposes its functionality using the
Read Model
for more details.
reads data from, and writes data to, the hard disk. It defines its API in the
interface and exposes its functionality using the
Read Storage
for more details.
Events-Driven Design
Expense Tracker’s architecture style is an events-driven style. To illustrate how the architecture works, we will use the scenario of a user issuing the command 'delete 1'. The Sequence Diagram below shows the first part of component interaction once the command is given.
delete 1
command (part 1)
Note how Model simply raises an ExpenseTrackerChangedEvent when there is a change in the data, instead of asking Storage to save the updates to the hard disk.
The Sequence Diagram below shows how EventsCenter
reacts to that event, which eventually results in the updates being saved to the hard disk and the status bar of the UI being updated to reflect the 'Last Updated' time.
delete 1
command (part 2)
Note how the event is propagated through EventsCenter to Storage and UI without Model having to be coupled to either of them. This is an example of how this Event Driven approach helps us reduce direct coupling between components.
The sections below give more details of each component.
3.2. UI component
As per the diagram above, UI
consists of a MainWindow
that is made up of parts e.g.CommandBox
, ResultDisplay
, ExpenseListPanel
, StatusBarFooter
, BrowserPanel
etc. All these, including MainWindow
, inherit from the abstract UiPart
uses JavaFx UI framework. The layout of these UI parts are defined in matching .fxml
files that are in src/main/resources/view
folder. For example, the layout of the MainWindow
is specified in MainWindow.fxml
Below lists other functions that UI
carries out:
Executes user commands using
. -
Binds itself to some data in
so that the UI can auto-update when data inModel
changes. -
Responds to events raised from various parts of the App and updates the UI accordingly.
3.3. Logic component
As per the diagram above, Logic
uses ExpenseTrackerParser
to parse user commands.
This results in a Command
object which is executed by LogicManager
The execution of certain commands can affect Model
, like adding a expense, and/or raise events, like the stats
The result of the command execution is encapsulated as a CommandResult
object which is passed back to UI
Given below is the Sequence Diagram for interactions within Logic
for execute("delete 1")
API call.
delete 1
Command3.4. Model component
As per the diagram above, ModelManager
implements the Model
interface, which:
stores a
object that represents the user’s preferences. -
stores a list of expenses of a single user.
stores encrypted lists of expenses of each users.
exposes an unmodifiable
that can be 'observed' e.g. the UI can be bound to this list so that the UI automatically updates when the data in the list change. -
does not depend on any of the other three components.
To better adhere to the paradigms of OOP, we could store a Tag list in Expense Tracker , which Expense can
reference. This allows Expense Tracker to only require one Tag object per unique Tag ,
instead of each Expense needing their own Tag object. This is planned to be implemented in future releases.
3.5. Storage component
As per the diagram above, StorageManager
implements the Storage
interface, which:
can save
objects in json format and read it back. -
can save Expense Tracker data in xml format and read it back.
can read multiple xml format files with separate Expense Tracker data from a folder.
stores XmlAdaptedPassword as a SHA-256 hash of the original password.
3.6. Common classes
Two classes in Commons
play important roles at the architecture level:
: This class (written using Google’s Event Bus library) is used by components to communicate with other components using events. See Event-Driven Design from more details. -
: This class is used by components to write log messages to Expense Tracker’s log file.
also contains utility and exception classes which can be used by components.
See the Utilities
and Exceptions
folders for all the utility and exception classes available.
4. Implementation
This section describes some noteworthy details on how certain features are implemented.
4.1. Undo/Redo feature
4.1.1. Current Implementation
The undo/redo mechanism is facilitated by VersionedExpenseTracker
It extends ExpenseTracker
with an undo/redo history, stored internally as an expenseTrackerStateList
and currentStatePointer
Additionally, it implements the following operations:
— Saves the current Expense Tracker state in its history. -
— Restores the previous Expense Tracker state from its history. -
— Restores a previously undone Expense Tracker state from its history.
These operations are exposed in the Model
interface as Model#commitExpenseTracker()
, Model#undoExpenseTracker()
and Model#redoExpenseTracker()
Given below is an example usage scenario and how the undo/redo mechanism behaves at each step.
Step 1. The user launches the application for the first time. VersionedExpenseTracker
will be initialized with the initial Expense Tracker state, and currentStatePointer
pointing to that single Expense Tracker state.
Step 2. The user executes delete 5
command to delete the 5th expense in Expense Tracker. The delete
command calls Model#commitExpenseTracker()
, causing the modified state of Expense Tracker after the delete 5
command executes to be saved in expenseTrackerStateList
, and currentStatePointer
is shifted to the newly inserted Expense Tracker state.
Step 3. The user executes add n/Lunch…
to add a new expense. The add
command also calls Model#commitExpenseTracker()
, causing another modified Expense Tracker state to be saved into expenseTrackerStateList
If a command fails its execution, it will not call Model#commitExpenseTracker() , so Expense Tracker state will not be saved into expenseTrackerStateList .
Step 4. The user now decides that adding the expense was a mistake, and decides to undo that action by executing the undo
command. The undo
command will call Model#undoExpenseTracker()
, which will shift currentStatePointer
once to the left, pointing it to the previous Expense Tracker state, and restores Expense Tracker to that state.
If currentStatePointer is at index 0, pointing to the initial Expense Tracker state, then there are no previous Expense Tracker states to restore. The undo command uses Model#canUndoExpenseTracker() to check if this is the case. If so, it will return an error to the user rather than attempting to perform the undo.
The following sequence diagram shows how the undo operation works:
The redo
command does the opposite — it calls Model#redoExpenseTracker()
, which shifts currentStatePointer
once to the right, pointing to the previously undone state, and restores Expense Tracker to that state.
If currentStatePointer is at index expenseTrackerStateList.size() - 1 , pointing to the latest Expense Tracker state, then there are no undone Expense Tracker states to restore. The redo command uses Model#canRedoExpenseTracker() to check if this is the case. If so, it will return an error to the user rather than attempting to perform the redo.
Step 5. The user then decides to execute the command list
. Commands that do not modify Expense Tracker, such as list
, will usually not call Model#commitExpenseTracker()
, Model#undoExpenseTracker()
or Model#redoExpenseTracker()
. Thus, expenseTrackerStateList
remains unchanged.
Step 6. The user executes clear
, which calls Model#commitExpenseTracker()
. Since currentStatePointer
is not pointing at the end of expenseTrackerStateList
, all Expense Tracker states after currentStatePointer
will be purged. We designed it this way because it no longer makes sense to redo the add n/Lunch …
command. This is the behavior that most modern desktop applications follow.
The following activity diagram summarizes what happens when a user executes a new command:
4.1.2. Design Considerations
Aspect: How undo & redo executes
Alternative 1 (current choice): Saves the entire Expense Tracker.
Pros: Easy to implement.
Cons: May have performance issues in terms of memory usage.
Alternative 2: Individual command knows how to undo/redo by itself.
Pros: Will use less memory (e.g. for
, just save the expense being deleted). -
Cons: We must ensure that the implementation of each individual command are correct.
Aspect: Data structure to support the undo/redo commands
Alternative 1 (current choice): Use a list to store the history of Expense Tracker states.
Pros: Easy for new Computer Science student undergraduates to understand, who are likely to be the new incoming developers of our project.
Cons: Logic is duplicated twice. For example, when a new command is executed, we must remember to update both
Alternative 2: Use
for undo/redo-
Pros: We do not need to maintain a separate list, and just reuse what is already in the codebase.
Cons: Requires dealing with commands that have already been undone: We must remember to skip these commands. Violates Single Responsibility Principle and Separation of Concerns as
now needs to do two different things.
4.2. Data Security
The Expense Tracker ensures the security of users' data through the user accounts system and data encryption.
The user accounts system allows multiple users to use Expense Tracker on the same computer without interfering with each other’s data. It also includes an optional password system that allows users to protect their Expense Tracker information from being viewed or altered by others.
The encryption system ensures all expense data (excluding budget) is encrypted within the xml storage files.
4.2.1. Current Implementation
On initialization, MainApp
class loads all xml files within the data folder according to the path in UserPrefs
. The data is loaded by MainApp#initModelManager(Storage, UserPref)
The username value will be forced to match the name of the xml data filename (ignoring file extentions). |
This feature is facilitated by newly added methods in the Model interface which now supports the following operations:
Model#loadUserData(Username, Password)
— Logs in to the user with the inputUsername
and loads the associated data intoModel
. Returns true if thePassword
matches the user’sPassword
, else the user is not logged into and false is returned -
— Unselects the user inModel
— Checks if a user with the inputUsername
exists inModel
— Adds a new user with the givenUsername
— Checks if a user is currently logged in inModel
Model#setPassword(Password, String)
— Changes thePassword
of the user that is currently logged in. Requires the new password as aPassword
object and as a plain textString
. -
— Checks if the inputPassword
matches the name -
— Encrypts the inputString
using the currently logged in user’s encryption key -
— Decrypts the inputString
using the currently logged in user’s encryption key. When implementing methods inModelManager
that requires a user to already be logged in, one can useModelManager#requireUserSelected()
, which throws a checkedNoUserSelectedException
if there is no logged in user. I.e your method should look like this:
public void methodName() throws NoUserSelectedException {
// Rest of the method body...
The classes Username
and Password
have also been implemented and have the following noteworthy characteristics:
classes are equivalent if and only if the internal usernameString
are equivalent (case-insensitive). -
cannot be constructed with aString
containing a white space or any of the following characters: " > < : \ / | ? * -
When a
class is constructed with plain text, the password is hashed using SHA-256 before being stored as an internalString
in thePassword
object -
is only valid if the plain text form is at least 6 characters long Utility methods related to data encryption are implemented in theEncryptionUtil
class, which includes the following methods: -
EncryptionUtil#decryptString(String, String)
— Decrypts aString
with by using the input encryption key -
EncryptionUtil#encryptString(String, String)
— Encrypts aString
with by using the input encryption key -
— Creates a 128-bit encryption key using the input plain text passwordString
. Equivalent passwords will always map to equivalent keys. -
EncryptionUtil#encryptExpense(Expense, String)
— Creates anEncryptedExpense
instance of the givenExpense
by encrypting its data using the given encryption key -
— Creates anEncryptedExpenseTracker
instance of the givenExpenseTracker
by encrypting it using its encryption key. This is always called when sending users' data toStorage
for saving. Encrypted versions of theExpenseTracker
and most of the classes it contains were implemented. These classes have their class names prepended withEncrypted
and are shown in the class diagram below:
classesThe following are other noteworthy details of the implementation for data encryption:
Users' expense data are encrypted using
encryption with a 128-bitMurmurHash
of their plain text password as the encryption key. These are not stored anywhere in the data files to ensure the security of their data. -
The encrypted information is stored in new classes to ensure that encrypted data is not used before decryption.
The encrypted information has to be stored in
as the encryption key will only be known at runtime when a user logs in with his/her correctPassword
. -
Each Encrypted class will know how to decrypt itself into its decrypted equivalent. e.g
uses the inputString
as an encryption key to decrypt itself into aExpenseField
Below is an example usage scenario and how the User Account System behaves at each step when the application is launched.
The user launches the application and the directory path in the UserPref points at the data folder
The method
is called by the MainApp and the method loads all the xml data files in the data folder and returns the loaded data as aMap<Username, EncryptedExpensetracker>
with theUsername
of the user data as the key and the user data as anEncryptedExpenseTracker
as the value to the MainApp class. -
instance will then be initialized using the previously mentionedMap
of user data.
Below is the UML sequence diagram of the StorageManager#readAllExpenses(Path)
method mentioned.
methodBelow is an example usage scenario and how the Sign Up and Login system behaves at each step after the application is launched.
The user executes the command
signup john
to create a user with theUsername
john -
command callsModel#addUser(Username)
which adds the userjohn
. The operation is successful asjohn
does not break any of theUsername
constraints and does not already exist in the Model. -
The user then executes the command
login u/john
to log in to his user account -
command calls theLoginCredentials(Username, String)
constructor with a nullString
password as a password was not provided. -
command then callsModel#loadUserData(LoginCredentials)
with theLoginCredentials
instance created in the previous step. The method is executed successfully as the userjohn
has no password set. -
’s data that is stored asEncryptedExpenseTracker
is decrypted using theEncryptedExpenseTracker#decryptTracker(String)
using an encryption key generated fromjohn
’s password (In this case an emptyString
is used as the password sincejohn
’s account has no password). -
The selected data in
is switched tojohn
’s and anUserLoggedInEvent
is raised forUI
to showjohn
’s Expense Tracker data Below is the UML sequence diagram that shows howSignUpCommand
worksBelow is the UML sequence diagram that shows how LoginCommand
worksBelow is an example usage scenario and how the Password system behaves at each step after the he/she is logged in.
The user is already logged in to the account
with an existing passwordpassword1
and executes the commandsetPassword o/password1 n/password2
to change his password topassword2
command calls theModel#setPassword(Password)
method since the given old password matches his existing password andpassword2
does not violate any password constraints -
method changesjohn
’s account password topassword2
’s expense data gets encrypted using a new encryption key generated from theString
. This also applies in future whenever it is saved to the data file.
Below is the UML sequence diagram that shows how SetPasswordCommand
works4.2.2. Design Considerations
Aspect: Loading of User Data
Alternative 1 (current choice): Loading of User data is only done on initialization of Expense Tracker
Pros: Ability to switch user accounts quickly after Expense Tracker is loaded as all users are already loaded into memory
Cons: External changes to the data files after initialization will not be reflected may be overwritten
Alternative 2: User data is loaded only when the user attempts to log in
Pros: Unnecessary data is not kept in memory so memory space is not wasted
Cons: The Model or Logic component will have to depend on the Storage component as the login command will require the Storage to load and return the user’s data. ===== Aspect: Storage of Separate User Data
Alternative 1 (current choice): Save each user’s data into a seperate xml file
Pros: More work needed to implement as the data loading has to be changed to read from multiple xml files
Cons: Users can transfer their own data between computers easily by just copying their own account’s xml file
Alternative 2: Save all the separated user data in a single xml data file
Pros: Relatively easier to implement. ExpenseTracker already loads data from a single xml data file so less work has to be done to change the storage structure
Cons: Users will be unable to easily transfer their individual data to another computer
4.3. Statistics
The implementation of the Statistics function can be divided into two phases - preparation and execution. Given below is an explanation of how the statistics mechanism behaves at each phase.
4.3.1. Preparation
In the preparation phase, the program parses the command for statistics, prepares filters used by the model
and posts events in EventsCenter
Below is the UML sequence diagram and a step-by-step explanation of the preparation stage.
User enters command
command e.g.stats n/7 p/d m/t
. The command is received byExpenseTrackerParser
, which calls createsStatsCommand
and callsStatsCommandParser#parse()
to createStatsCommand
. -
If no parameters are provided by the user,
is called to createStatsCommand
with the default parameters ofperiodAmount
. Otherwise,StatsCommand#StatsCommand(periodAmount, period, mode)
is called to createStatsCommand
with the specified parameters. -
checks if the parameters are valid. If any parameter is invalid, an exception will be raised and a message will be displayed to the user. Otherwise, the parameters are stored in instance variables andStatsCommand
is returned toLogicManager
. -
then callsStatsCommand#execute()
, which updatesexpensePredicate
, which are variables inModelManager
relevant for statistics.StatsCommand#execute()
also postsShowStatsRequestEvent
events toEventsCenter
4.3.2. Execution
In the execution phase, the program handles ShowStatsRequestEvent
posted by StatsCommand
processing and retrieving the data to be displayed and finally displaying it.
Below is the UML sequence diagram and a step-by-step explanation of the execution stage.
event is handled byMainWindow#handleShowStatsEvent()
, which calls 'StatisticsPanel#setData()' and passes the data as parameters by callingLogic#getExpenseStats()
. -
gets the filtered expense list by callingModel#getExpenseStats()
, which returns an unmodifiableObservableList
, only containing only expenses in the last 7 days, as perModelManager#expensePredicate
, and sorted by date. -
then organises the data into aLinkedHashMap<String, Double>
, where the key value pair represents the data series of the chart. IfStatsMode
is set to TIME, the key and value pair represents date and cost. IfStatsMode
is set to CATEGORY, the key value pair represents category and cost. Regardless of mode, the values are cumulative and is implemented using the algorithm in the following code snippet, using the example of category mode:LinkedHashMap<String, Double> stats = new LinkedHashMap<>(); for (Expense e : expenseList) { String category; category = e.getCategory().categoryName; if (stats.containsKey(category)) { stats.put( category, stats.get(category) + e.getCost().getCostValue() ); } else { stats.put(category, e.getCost().getCostValue()); } }
gets their respective data by calling the method of the same name inModel
. -
Once the parameters are passed into
is called to clear any display elements inStackPane
. JavaFX’sBarChart
are used to render the charts. There are three scenarios which could happen:-
If the data received is empty, a
object is generated andStackPane#getChildren()#add()
is called, which informs the user that there are no expenditures -
is set to TIME,StatisticsPanel#setTimeBasedData()
will be called, which generates a Bar Chart and callsStackPane#getChildren()#add()
, which adds it toStackPane
. -
is set to CATEGORY,StatisticsPanel#setCategoryBasedData()
will be called, which generates a Pie Chart and callsStackPane#getChildren()#add()
, which adds it toStackPane
4.3.3. Design Considerations
Aspect: How to handle statistics data and parameters
Alternative 1 (current choice): Data and each parameter is handled as separate objects
Pros: Easy to implement.
Cons: Need to call multiple methods to get parameters
Alternative 2 (planned for future releases): Create Statistics object which contains data and all the parameters.
Pros: More scalable. Less method calls to get parameters.
Cons: None
Aspect: How to pass statistics data and parameters from Command to UI
Alternative 1 (current choice): UI gets all data and parameters from
, which gets data fromModel
Pros: Easy to implement. Aligned with architecture.
Cons: A lot of method calls
Alternative 2: Pass data and parameters through event
Pros: Less method calls. Easier to read.
Cons: Not in alignment with architecture. Need to consider application startup when there are no events posted.
4.4. Find
This feature allows users to filter out specific expenses by entering multiple keywords. Only the expenses which contain all the keywords will be shown on the expense list panel.
This implementation is under Logic
and Model
4.4.1. Current Implementation
Below is the UML sequence diagram and a step-by-step explanation of an example usage scenario.
User enters command
find n/Have Lunch f/Food d/01-01-2018:03-01-2018
. The command is received byExpenseTrackerParser
, which then creates aFindCommandParser
Object and callsFindCommandParser#parse()
method. -
method callsArgumentTokenizer#tokenize()
to tokenize the inputString
into keywords and store them in anArgumentMultimap
Object. -
method then callsParserUtil#ensureKeywordsAreValid()
method. If any of the keywords doesn’t conform to the correct format,ParseException
will be thrown. If no exception is thrown, aExpenseContainsKeywordsPredicate
Object is created. It implements Predicate<Expense> interface and is used to filter out all the expenses which matches the keywords entered by the user. -
Object with theExpenseContainsKeywordsPredicate
Object as parameter is created and returned toLogicManager
. -
then callsFindCommand#execute()
,which callsModel#updateFilteredExpenseList()
method to update the predicate of FilterList<Expense>. FilterList now contains new set of expenses which filtered by the new predicate. -
Then the expense list panel will show a new set of expenses according to the keywords. A
is then created and returned toLogicManager
4.4.2. Design Consideration
This feature can be implemented in different ways in terms of how the target expenses are found. The alternative ways of implementation are shown below.
Aspect: How to filter out targeted expenses
Alternative 1 (current choice): Check through all expenses and select those with all the keywords
Pros: Easy to implement. No need to change original architecture.
Cons: Time-consuming. Tend to take longer time when there is a large number of expenses.
Alternative 2: Store expenses in separate files and only check the relevant files while filtering.
Pros: More efficient. No need to check every expense.
Cons: Need to change the original architecture of storage.
4.5. Mass Edit
This feature allows users to edit multiple expenses at the same time. Users need to enter the keywords to identify the targeted expenses as well as the fields they would like to edit.
This implementation is under Logic
and Model
4.5.1. Current implementation
Below is the UML sequence diagram and a step-by-step explanation of an example usage scenario.
User enters command
massedit c/school -> c/work d/01-01-2018
. The command is received byExpenseTrackerParser
, which then creates aMassEditCommandParser
Object and callsMassEditCommandParser#parse()
method. -
method callsArgumentTokenizer#tokenize()
to tokenize the inputString
into keywords and store them in twoArgumentMultimap
Objects. -
method then create aExpenseContainsKeywordsPredicate
Object. Then it callsEditExpenseDescriptor#createEditExpenseDescriptor()
method to create anEditExpenseDescriptor
Object which stores the fields of expenses which are going to be edited. -
Object with theExpenseContainsKeywordsPredicate
Object as parameters is created and returned toLogicManager
. -
then callsMassEditCommand#execute()
,which callsModel#updateFilteredExpenseList()
method to update the predicate of FilterList<Expense>.Model#getFilteredExpenseList()
is called to return the FilterList<Expense>. -
All the
in the FilterList<Expense> are then added to a new list. A loop starts and for eachExpense
in the list,EditExpenseDescriptor#createEditedExpense()
is called to create an edited Expense object. ThenModel#updateExpense
is called to replace the originalExpense
with editedExpense
. -
When loop ends,
is called to show the editExpense
to the user. ACommandResult
is then created and returned toLogicManager
4.5.2. Design Consideration
This feature can be implemented in different ways in terms of how the target expenses are edited. The alternative ways of implementation are shown below.
Aspect: How to Edit the targeted expenses
Alternative 1(current choice): Filter out the targeted expenses and replace them with edited expenses.
Pros: Easy to implement. Align with current architecture.
Cons: Time-consuming. Tend to take longer time when there is a large number of expenses.
Alternative 2: Store expenses in separate files. When the expenses are edited, move them to another file according to the edited fields.
Pros: Easy to identify the targeted expenses by checking relevant files. No need to check every expense.
Cons: Need to change original architecture of storage. May need to create new files during edition.
4.6. User Interface Redesign
The UI has been redesigned to implement the following UI elements required for Expense Tracker:
Budget Panel
Statistics Panel
Notifications Panel
Categories Panel
As an example of how the new UI elements were implemented, we will examine the implementation of BudgetPanel
4.6.1. The Budget Panel
consists of 4 UI elements:
– AText
element that displays the user’s current expenses. -
– AText
element that displays the user’s monthly budget cap. -
- ATextFlow
objects that managesBudgetPanel#budgetDisplay
. -
– AProgressBar
element that visually presents the percentage of the currenttotalBudget
cap that has been used.
Given below are the steps of an example scenario of how BudgetPanel
is updated:
The user launches the application and signs up for a new account. The
creates a newBudgetPanel
, which elements are initialized as follows:-
is green and set to "$0.00". -
is set to "/ $28.00", with $28.00 being the defaulttotalBudget
. -
is green and at 0% progress.
The user executes an
command. As theadd
command modifies budget and expenses,AddCommand#execute()
will post aUpdateBudgetPanelEvent
event to the EventsCenter.If a command fails its execution or does not affect budget or expenses, UpdateBudgetPanelEvent
will not be posted. -
event is handled byMainWindow#handleBudgetPanelEvent()
, which callsBudgetPanel#update()
. -
, which creates a newTimeline
object. -
objects are added toTimeline
, creating the animationBudgetPanel#budgetBar
that transits theBudgetPanel#budgetBar#progress
to the updated number.If the updated percentage is more than 1.0, BudgetPanel#budgetBar#progress
will be set to 1.0. Barring oversights, it should never fall below 0.0. -
A call to 'BudgetPanel#addTextAnimationKeyFrames()` is made to add the
objects required to create the incrementing animation forBudgetPanel#expenseDisplay
. In eachKeyFrame
is called to increment theBudgetPanel#expenseDisplay
respectively.The number of KeyFrame
objects and the time interval between eachKeyFrame
has been predetermined. -
A call is also made to
in eachKeyFrame
. This method checks the height ofBudgetPanel#percentageDisplay
. If said height is different fromBudgetPanel#percentageDisplay#maxHeight
will be rescaled accordingly such that its new width is equal toBudgetPanel#percentageDisplay#maxHeight
. -
A call to
is made to execute the animations. -
A call is also made concurrently to
. IfBudgetPanel#expenseDisplay
is larger thanBudgetPanel#budgetCapDisplay
, the color ofBudgetPanel#expenseDisplay
changes to red, indicating that the user is over budget.Similarly, if the user has gone from over budget to under budget, the color of 'BudgetPanel#expenseDisplay` and BudgetPanel#budgetBar
changes to green.
The following sequence diagram shows the process of updating the BudgetPanel
UI elements:
update4.6.2. Design Considerations
Aspect: Choosing which library to use for animation implementation
Alternative 1 (current choice): Use
Pros: More flexible; Able to create the animation frame by frame.
Cons: More tedious to implement. Animations effects will require manual addition of
objects for the intended effect.
Alternative 2: Use the
Pros: The class is specialized, and thus has built-in methods to create better animations For example,
can be used to cause the transition to accelerate at different points for a better effect) -
Cons: Does not work for certain desired effects, such as the 'incrementing' effect required for
elements ofBudgetPanel
Aspect: Implementation of Text
Alternative 1 (Initial Choice): Use two
objects; one to displaycurrentExpenses
and another to displaybudgetCap
Pros: Allows the implementation of separate text color changing and animation.
Cons: Difficult to keep both text objects centralized in relation to the
, especially ifcurrentExpenses
are large numbers.
Alternative 2: Use one
object to display bothcurrentExpenses
Pros: Easy to centralize the
object withbudgetbar
. -
Cons: Implementation of animation was messy and tedious.
also does not support multiple colors for a singleText
Alternative 3 (Current Choice): Wrap two
objects in aTextFlow
Pros: Easy to centralize the
objects by taking advantage of the properties ofTextFlow
. Allows the implementation of separate text color changing and animation. -
Cons: Does not solve the issue of decentralized text when
are large numbers.
Aspect: Solving the issue of TextFlow
positioning when currentExpenses
or budgetCap
are large numbers.
Alternative 1: During the budget update, manipulate the font size of both
objects when theTextFlow
object reaches a certain height.-
Pros: -
Cons: Difficult to adjust the fonts of both
objects such that the final font size is neither too large nor too short.
Alternative 2: Manipulate the scale of the
object such that it always maintains a predetermined width.-
Pros: A solution that is simple and easy to implement.
Cons: In the case of very large numbers, the
object is shrunk down to a point where the text in non-legible. However, we assume that the average user who is seriously usingExpenseTracker
will not setcurrentExpenses
to such large numbers.
4.7. Notification System
The Notification System is comprised of the following classes:
- An abstract class that consists of aheader
. There are two types ofNotification
. -
and NotificationCard
- UI elements that displays the list the notifications that have been sent to the user. -
- Manages the list of notifications. -
- Allows the user to toggle what type of notifications they wish to receive. -
- Handles the storage and creation ofNotification
objects. -
- Reads and storesTip
objects in a list. -
- Manages the saving and reading onNotification
4.7.1. Adding a Notification
Given below are the steps of an example scenario of how the Notification System functions:
The user launches the application for the first time. A new
is instantiated. A newTips
object is instantiated, and a call toJsonTipsStorage#readTips
is made to read a list ofTip
objects from a JSON file. -
A call to
is made upon login. In turn, a check is made to see if it has been 24 hours since the lastTipNotification
has been sent. It also checks ifNotificationHandler#isTipEnabled
istrue. If both conditions are met, a new `TipNotification
is added to theNotificationHandler#internalList
via a call toNotificationPanel#addTipNotification()
.If this is the user’s first time logging into their account, a new TipNotification
will be sent. -
The user executes the command
add n/Lunch $/30.00 c/Food
. Theadd
command callsNotificationHandler#isTimeToSendWarning()
to check if the user is nearing or over their budget. It also checks ifNotificationPanel#isWarningEnabled
. If both conditions are met, aWarningNotification
is added toNotificationHandler#internalList
via a call toNotificationPanel#addWarningNotification()
.The same procedure is carried out if the user executes an edit
command. -
If the size of
reaches 11 or more, the oldestNotification
in the list is then replaced with the newNotification
4.7.2. Executing Notification Command
Given below is an example scenario of how NotificationCommand
. The user executes notification n/warning t/off
. THe command is received by ExpenseTrackerParser
A call to
is made, which creates aNotificationCommandDescriptor
object with the two extracted parameterswarning
. ANotificationCommand
is returned toLogicManager
.The n/
suffix and parameter can be omitted. In this case, all types of notifications will be affected by the toggle. -
then callsNotificationCommand#execute()
, which callsNotificationHandler#toggleWarningNotifications()
to setNotificationPanel#isWarningEnabled
.If notification n/tip t/on
was executed,NotificationHandler#toggleTipNotifications()
would be called to setNotificationHandler#isTipEnabled
.If notification t/on
was executed,NotificationHandler#toggleBothNotifications()
will be called instead to set bothNotificationHandler#isTipEnabled
The following sequence diagram shows the process of executing a NotificationCommand
4.7.3. Design Considerations
Aspect: Storing of Tips
Alternative 1: Code the tips as a list of
object in a class.-
Pros: Easy to implement.
Cons: Changes to the list might impact the base code and testing results.
Alternative 2 (Current Choice): Read a set of predetermined tips from a JSON file.
Pros: Allows for easy configuration of tips that will not impact the base code.
Cons: More tedious to implement, as the given
does not have a method to read an array from a JSON file.
4.8. Budgeting
This group of features allows the user to set budgets for their expenses.
Available spending is defined as the total amount of expenses you can add before you exceed your budget. If the user’s spending exceeds their available spending for the budget, a warning will be shown to the user.
The current implementation for budgeting and its related features are described in the sections below.
4.8.1. Setting a Budget
This feature allows the user to set a budget for Expense tracker.
Given below is a sequence diagram and step by step explanation of how Expense Tracker executes when a user sets a budget
User enters command
setBudget 2.00
. -
The command is received by
, which then creates aSetBudgetCommandParser
Object and callsSetBudgetCommandParser#parse()
method. -
will then return abudget
type. It will then create aSetBudgetCommand
Object withbudget
as a parameter would be created and returned toLogicManager
. -
then callsSetBudgetCommand#execute()
, which callsModelManager#modifyMaximumBudget
to update the maximum budget of Expense Tracker. -
will then callEventsCenter#post()
to update the UI, displaying the updated budget.
4.8.2. Setting a recurring Budget
This feature allows the user’s available spending to reset every user defined frequency.
The implementation for this feature is describe in the two sections below.
1. Setting the recurrence frequency
This section explains the implementations of setRecurrenceFrequency
Recurrence time is set by
. If it has not been set before, the next recurrence time will be set tocurrentTime
. This is shown in the code snippet below.
public void setRecurrenceFrequency(long seconds) {
this.numberOfSecondsToRecurAgain = seconds;
this.nextRecurrence =;
If it has already been set, the timing will be updated on the next occurrence time. This is shown in the code snippet below.
if ( {
this.previousRecurrence =;
this.nextRecurrence =;
// rest of the implementation
Given below is a sequence diagram and step by step explanation of how Expense Tracker executes when a user sets a recurrence frequency.
Steps of the command execution are as follows:
User enters command
setRecurrenceFrequency min/1
. The command is received byExpenseTrackerParser
will then create aSetRecurringBudgetCommandParser
Object and callsSetRecurringBudgetCommandParser#parse()
method. -
method callsArgumentTokenizer#tokenize()
to tokenize the inputString
into keywords and store them in anArgumentMultimap
Object. -
method then callsSetRecurringBudgetCommandParser#areAnyPrefixesPresent()
method. If none of the keywords are present,ParseException
will be thrown. -
From the previous step, if no exception is thrown,
will be called to convert the number of hours in seconds,hours
, the number of minutes in seconds,minutes
, and seconds,seconds
, respectively. -
Object withhours+minutes+seconds
as a parameter is created and returned toLogicManager
. -
then callsSetRecurringBudgetCommand#execute()
,which callsModelManager#setRecurrenceFrequency()
method to update the time when the next expenses oftotalBudget
is reset.
2. Resetting available spending.
This section explains the implementations of the recurring budget.
Every time the user logs in, Expense Tracker will check if the available spending should be reset. Sequence diagram of available spending resetting is given below.
Execution steps of resetting available spending are as follows:
User logs in, which causes the
command to execute inLogic
to execute the command on theModel
. -
command executes in theLogic
, which callsLogic#execute()
to execute the command onModel
, which in turn callsTotalBudget#checkBudgetRetart()
to check if the available spending is to be reset. -
either returnNOT_SET
, which will add their respective notifications. It will also returnDO_NOTHING
, which will results inModel
to continue its execution.
4.8.3. Setting a Budget by Category
An extension to the budget feature, this feature allows the user to divide their budget based on categories. Users can
allocate parts of their budget to certain categories.
If the user’s expenses for a Category
exceeds the available spending for their CategoryBudget
, a warning will be
to the user.
Given below is a sequence diagram
and step by step explanation of how Expense Tracker executes when a user sets a CategoryBudget
User enters command
setCategoryBudget c/School b/2.00
. The command is received byExpenseTrackerParser
will then create aAddCategoryBudgetCommandParser
Object and callsAddCategoryBudgetCommandParser#parse()
method. -
method callsArgumentTokenizer#tokenize()
to tokenize the input String into keywords and store them in anArgumentMultimap
Object. -
method then callsAddCategoryBudgetCommandParser#arePrefixesPresent()
method. If any of the keywords are missing,ParseException
will be thrown. -
From the previous step, if no exception is thrown, an
Object withcategory
is created and returned toLogicManager
. -
then callsAddCategoryBudgetCommand#execute()
,which callsModelManager#setCategoryBudget()
method to add aCategoryBudget
Setting budgets for different time frames (Proposed)
Users can now set budgets for different time frames. For example, a user can have a monthly and weekly budget. This is to allow a user to segment his spending by weeks. Thus, even if the user has spent over the budget for this week, he could potentially spend lesser in the next week to make up for his overspending and keep within his budget for the month. This is illustrated by the images below.
The first image shows that the user has spent over his budget for the week, while the second image shows that the user still has available spending for the month.
4.8.4. Design Considerations
This section provides alternative design patterns that we have considered for features relating to budgeting.
Aspect: How recurrence is checked
Alternative 1 (current choice): Calling of method when the user logs in
Pros: Closely coupled with logging in.
Cons: Encapsulation sacrificed due to close coupling with other classes and methods.
Alternative 2: Dispatching an event every time the user logs in
Pros: Easy to implement
Cons: Possible for other implementations to cause a recurrence check. As the recurrence check is closely tied to logging in, this should not be possible
4.9. Logging
We are using java.util.logging
package for logging. The LogsCenter
class is used to manage the logging levels and logging destinations.
The logging level can be controlled using the
setting in the configuration file (See [Implementation-Configuration]) -
for a class can be obtained usingLogsCenter.getLogger(Class)
which will log messages according to the specified logging level -
Currently log messages are output through:
and to a.log
Logging Levels
: Critical problem detected which may possibly cause the termination of the application -
: Can continue, but with caution -
: Information showing the noteworthy actions by the App -
: Details that is not usually noteworthy but may be useful in debugging e.g. print the actual list instead of just its size
Certain properties of the application can be controlled (e.g App name, logging level) through the config.json file.
5. Documentation
We use asciidoc for writing documentation.
We chose asciidoc over Markdown because asciidoc, although a bit more complex than Markdown, provides more flexibility for formatting. |
5.1. Editing Documentation
See UsingGradle.adoc to learn how to render .adoc
files locally to preview the end result of your edits.
Alternatively, you can download the AsciiDoc plugin for IntelliJ, which allows you to preview the changes you have made to your .adoc
files in real-time.
5.2. Publishing Documentation
See UsingTravis.adoc to learn how to deploy GitHub Pages using Travis.
5.3. Converting Documentation to PDF format
We use Google Chrome for converting documentation to PDF format, as Chrome’s PDF engine preserves hyperlinks used in webpages.
Here are the steps to convert the project documentation files to PDF format.
Follow the instructions in UsingGradle.adoc to convert the AsciiDoc files in the
directory to HTML format. -
Go to your generated HTML files in the
folder, right click on them and selectOpen with
→Google Chrome
. -
Click on the
option in Chrome’s menu, or press Ctrl+P to open up the print window. A menu looking like the figure below should show up.
![chrome save as pdf](images/chrome_save_as_pdf.png)
Set the destination to
Save as PDF
, then clickSave
to save a copy of the file in PDF format. For best results, use the settings indicated in the figure above.
5.4. Site-wide Documentation Settings
The build.gradle
file specifies some project-specific asciidoc attributes
which affects how all documentation files within this project are rendered. These attributes are described in the table below:
Attribute name | Description | Default value |
The name of the website. If set, the name will be displayed near the top of the page. |
not set |
URL to the site’s repository on GitHub. Setting this will add a "View on GitHub" link in the navigation bar. |
not set |
Define this attribute if the project is an official SE-EDU project. This will render the SE-EDU navigation bar at the top of the page, and add some SE-EDU-specific navigation items. |
not set |
Attributes left unset in the build.gradle file will use their default value, if any.
5.5. Per-file Documentation Settings
Each .adoc
file may also specify some file-specific asciidoc attributes which affects how the file is rendered.
Asciidoctor’s built-in attributes may be specified and used as well.
These attributes are described in the table below:
Attribute name | Description | Default value |
Site section that the document belongs to.
This will cause the associated item in the navigation bar to be highlighted.
One of: * Official SE-EDU projects only |
not set |
Set this attribute to remove the site navigation bar. |
not set |
Attributes left unset in .adoc files will use their default value, if any.
5.6. Site Template
The files in docs/stylesheets
are the CSS stylesheets of the site.
You can modify them to change some properties of the site’s design.
The files in docs/templates
controls the rendering of .adoc
files into HTML5.
These template files are written in a mixture of Ruby and Slim.
Modifying the template files in |
6. Testing
6.1. Running Tests
There are three ways to run tests.
Method 3 is the most reliable way to run tests. The first two methods might fail some GUI tests due to platform/resolution-specific idiosyncrasies. |
Method 1: Using IntelliJ JUnit test runner
To run all tests, carry out the following steps:
Right-click on the
folder -
Click on
Run 'All Tests'
on the menu that appears
To run a subset of tests, carry out the following steps:
Right-click on a test package, test class, or a test
Click on
Run 'TEST'
, where TEST is the name of the test package, class or method you are intending to test
Method 2: Using Gradle
To use Gradle to run tests, carry out the following steps:
Open a console
If you are on windows, enter the command
gradlew clean allTests
, otherwise enter./gradlew clean allTests
See UsingGradle.adoc for more info on how to run tests using Gradle. |
Method 3: Using Gradle (headless)
Using the TestFX library, our GUI tests can be run in the headless mode. In the headless mode, GUI tests do not show up on the screen. That means the developer can do other things on the Computer while the tests are running.
To run tests in headless mode, carry out the following steps:
Open a console
If you are on windows, enter the command
gradlew clean headless allTests
, otherwise enter./gradlew clean headless allTests
6.2. Types of tests
There are two main types of tests:
GUI Tests - These are tests involving the GUI. They include:
System Tests which test the entire App by simulating user actions on the GUI. These are in the
package. -
Unit tests which test the individual components. These are in
Non-GUI Tests - These are tests not involving the GUI. They include:
Unit tests which target the lowest level methods/classes.
Integration tests which check the integration of multiple code units (those code units are assumed to be working).
Hybrids of unit and integration tests. These test are checking multiple code units as well as how the are connected together.
6.3. Troubleshooting Testing
This section includes common issues that arise during testing.
fails with aNullPointerException
Reason: One of its dependencies,
is missing. -
Solution: Execute Gradle task
7. Dev Ops
7.1. Build Automation
We use Gradle for build automation. See UsingGradle.adoc for more details.
7.2. Continuous Integration
We use Travis CI and AppVeyor to perform Continuous Integration on our projects. See UsingTravis.adoc and UsingAppVeyor.adoc for more details.
7.3. Coverage Reporting
We use Coveralls to track the code coverage of our projects. See UsingCoveralls.adoc for more details.
7.4. Documentation Previews
We use Netlify to see a preview of how the HTML version of those asciidoc files will look like when the pull request has changes to asciidoc files. See UsingNetlify.adoc for more details.
7.5. Making a Release
Follow the steps below to create a new release:
Update the version number in
. -
Generate a JAR file using Gradle.
Tag the repo with the version number. e.g.
Create a new release using GitHub and upload the JAR file you created. See for more details.
7.6. Managing Dependencies
Expense Tracker depends on many third-party libraries. e.g. We use Jackson library for XML parsing in Expense Tracker. Below are different ways to manage these dependencies:
Use Gradle to manage these dependencies. Gradle can download the dependencies automatically. (this is better than other alternatives)
Include those libraries in the repo (this bloats the repo size)
Require developers to download those libraries manually (this creates extra work for developers)
Appendix A: Product Scope
Target user profile:
is currently a student
has a need to manage a significant number of expenses
wants to track how much they are spending
prefers desktop apps over other types
can type fast and prefers typing over mouse input
is reasonably comfortable using CLI apps
Value proposition: manage expenses faster than a typical mouse/GUI driven app
Appendix B: User Stories
Priorities: High (must have) - * * *
, Medium (nice to have) - * *
, Low (unlikely to have) - *
Priority | As a … | I want to … | So that I can… |
new user |
see usage instructions |
refer to instructions when I forget how to use the App |
new user who might forget how to use commands |
be notified of the correct usage of commands that I format wrongly |
correct my mistake quickly and easily. |
user who wants to track their expenses |
add a new expense |
have the app keep track of my expenses |
impulsive spender |
set my maximum budget over a certain period of time |
know when I am or about to spend over my budget |
user who want to group expenditures of different categories together |
add tags to an expense |
find specific expenses in a later date. |
user who wants more information about their spending habits |
search for recorded expenses by category, date or cost |
reflect and learn from my past experiences. |
user who wants more information about their spending habits |
have a visual representation of the statistical information about my spending habits |
reflect and learn from my past experience. |
user who has trouble with overspending |
have clear visual warnings or indicators when I am about to spend over my budget |
better manage my spending and keep within my current budget. |
user |
have my expenditures saved after closing the app |
keep track of my expenditures without having to key in my information again |
clumsy typer |
delete inaccurately added expenditures |
have an accurate recording of my expenditures and budget |
clumsy typer |
edit inaccurately added expenditures |
have an accurate recording of my expenditures and budget |
user who shares their computer with others |
have my own login account |
keep my expenditure information separate from other users'. |
user |
exit the application with a keyboard command |
exit the application conveniently without reaching for my mouse/touchpad |
user who has a problem with overspending |
view my expenses over a certain period of time |
learn from my past endeavours and better manage my budget |
user who wants to save money |
separate my expenses into different categories |
see where am I spending more money on and where my expenses go and cut them accordingly |
user who is worried about privacy |
remove all expenditure information from the application |
comfortable knowing that my information has been completely erased. |
clumsy user |
be able to undo or redo my commands |
easily fix my mistakes. |
user who wants their expenditure information to be private |
secure my account with a password |
ensure that no one can easily access my private information. |
user who has been using the application for a long time |
look at statistical information from past months |
reflect and learn from my past experience. |
user who has a monthly allowance |
set my budget based on my monthly allowance |
use the application with greater convienience. |
clumsy typer |
edit multiple incorrect expenditures that require the same type of edit |
have an accurate recording of my expenditures and budget |
user who spends too much in certain categories of expenses |
set a budget for specific expenses |
be aware of how much I am spending in a specific cate |
advanced user |
use short-form versions of commands |
use the application with greater efficiency. |
user who wants their expenditure information to be private |
be able to encrypt my data |
so that I can protect my private information from anyone who opens the data file. |
user who does not know much about saving money |
to be provided tips on how to save money |
better manage my expenses in the future. |
user who spends on the same things frequently |
add recurring expenses |
do not need to key in the same type of expenditure every month |
advanced user |
encrypt and decrypt strings |
edit the data file directly. |
user that works in public areas |
have secret categories for my expenses that only show when I want to |
so that I can protect my private information. |
clumsy typer |
delete multiple inaccurately added expenditures |
have an accurate recording of my expenditures and budget |
user that often uses iBanking |
be able to open iBanking within the application |
so that I can reference my expenditure information when keying in my expenditures. |
Appendix C: Use Cases
(For all use cases below, the System is Expense Tracker
and the Actor is the user
, unless specified otherwise)
Use case: Add expenditure
User keys in command to add a given expenditure.
Expense Tracker adds specified expenditure.
ExpenseTracker displays a success message.
Use case ends.
1a.Expense Tracker detects error in the entered data.
1a1. Expense Tracker informs user of the error.
Use case ends.
1b.Expense Tracker detects that the user has gone over budget.
1b1. Expense Tracker sends warning to the user.
Use Case ends.
1c.Expense Tracker detects that the user has nearly gone budget.
1b1. Expense Tracker sends warning to the user that they have almost gone over budget.
Use Case ends.
1d.Expense Tracker detects that the user is not logged into an account.
1d1. Expense Tracker informs user that they are not logged into any user.
Use case ends.
Use case: Delete expenditure
User keys in command to delete a given expenditure.
Expense Tracker deletes specified expenditure.
Expense Tracker displays a success message.
Use case ends
1a.Expense Tracker detects error in the entered data.
1a1. Expense Tracker informs user of the error.
Use case ends.
1b.Expense Tracker cannot find specified expenditure.
1b1. Expense Tracker informs user that it cannot find the specified expenditure.
Use case ends.
1c.Expense Tracker detects that the user is not logged into an account.
1c1. Expense Tracker informs user that they are not logged into any user.
Use case ends.
Use case: Edit expenditure
User keys in command to edit a given expenditure.
Expense Tracker edits the specified information of the specified expenditure.
Expense Tracker displays a success message.
Use case ends
1a.Expense Tracker detects error in the entered data.
1a1. Expense Tracker informs user of the error.
Use case ends.
1b.Expense Tracker cannot find specified expenditure.
1b1. Expense Tracker informs user that it cannot find the specified expenditure.
Use case ends.
1c.Expense Tracker detects that the user is not logged into an account.
1c1. Expense Tracker informs user that they are not logged into any user.
Use case ends.
Use case: Mass edit expenditure
User keys in command to find specific expenses from the list of all expenses.
Expense Tracker displays the specified expenses.
User keys in command to perform a mass edit on the list of expenses.
Expense Tracker mass edits the specified information of the specified expenditure.
Use case ends
1a.Expense Tracker detects error in the entered data.
1a1. Expense Tracker informs user of the error.
Use case ends.
1b.Expense Tracker detects that the user is not logged into an account.
1b1. Expense Tracker informs user that they are not logged into any user.
Use case ends.
3a.Expense Tracker detects error in the entered data.
3a1. Expense Tracker informs user of the error.
Use case ends.
3a.Expense Tracker cannot find specified expenditures.
3a1. Expense Tracker informs user that it cannot find the specified expenditures.
Use case ends.
Use case: Set budget
User keys in command to set a budget cap.
Expense Tracker updates the current budget cap.
Expense tracker displays a success message.
Use case ends
1a.Expense Tracker detects error in the entered data.
1a1. Expense Tracker inform user of the error.
Use case ends.
1b.Expense Tracker detects that the user is not logged into an account.
1b1. Expense Tracker informs user that they are not logged into any user.
Use case ends.
Use case: Set a recurring budget
User key in command to set a monthly recurring budget.
Expense Tracker sets the specified budget to reoccur after the specified time.
User logs into the account on a new day.
Expense Tracker detects that the specified period of time has passed.
Expense Tracker resets the budget.
Use case ends
1a.Expense Tracker detects error in the entered data.
1a1. Expense Tracker inform user of the error.
Use case ends.
1b.Expense Tracker detects that the user is not logged into an account.
1b1. Expense Tracker informs user that they are not logged into any user.
Use case ends.
4a.Expense Tracker detects that the specified period of time has not passed.
Use case ends.
Use case: Set a category budget
User key in command to set a budget for a specific category.
Expense Tracker sets the specified budget to the specified category.
Expense Tracker displays success message.
Use case ends
1a.Expense Tracker detects error in the entered data.
1a1. Expense Tracker inform user of the error.
Use case ends.
1b.Expense Tracker detects that the user is not logged into an account.
1b1. Expense Tracker informs user that they are not logged into any user.
Use case ends.
Use case: Signup for an account
User keys in command to signup for an account.
Expense Tracker creates a new account with the specified username.
Use case ends
1a.Expense Tracker detects error in the entered data.
1a1. Expense Tracker informs user of the error.
Use case ends.
1a.Expense Tracker that an account of that username already exists.
1a1. Expense Tracker informs user that the username has been taken.
Use case ends.
Use case: Login without password
User keys in command to login to an account.
Expense Tracker logs user into account.
Use case ends
1a.Expense Tracker detects error in the entered data.
1a1. Expense Tracker informs user of the error.
Use case ends.
1a.Expense Tracker detects that specified user does not exist.
1a1. Expense Tracker informs user that user does not exist
Use case ends.
1a. Expense Tracker detects that the account is password-protected.
1a1. Expense tracker informs the user that a password is incorrect.
Use case ends
Use case: Login with password
User keys in command to login to an account.
User also enters password of account.
Expense Tracker logs user into account.
Use case ends
3a.Expense Tracker detects error in the entered data.
2a1. Expense Tracker informs user of the error.
Use case ends.
3a.Expense Tracker detects that specified user does not exist.
2a1. Expense Tracker informs user that user does not exist
Use case ends.
3a. Expense Tracker detects that the password is incorrect.
3a1. Expense tracker informs the user that the entered password is incorrect.
Use case ends
Use case: Set password
User keys in command to set a password.
Expense Tracker sets the password for the account that is currently logged into to the specified password
Expense Tracker displays a success message
1a.Expense Tracker detects error in the entered data.
1a1. Expense Tracker informs user of the error.
Use case ends.
1b.Expense Tracker detects that the user is not logged in.
1b1. Expense Tracker informs user that they need to log into an account.
Use case ends.
1c.Expense Tracker detects that the user is not logged into an account.
1c1. Expense Tracker informs user that they are not logged into any user.
Use case ends.
Use case: Clear
User keys in command to clear information from an account.
Expense tracker deletes all information about the current user’s expenses.
Expense Tracker displays a success message.
Use case ends
1b.Expense Tracker detects that the user is not logged into an account.
1b1. Expense Tracker informs user that they are not logged into any user.
Use case ends.
Use Case: Find Expenses
User keys in command to find specific expenses from the list of all expenses.
Expense Tracker displays the specified expenses.
Expense Tracker displays a success message.
Use case ends
1a.Expense Tracker detects error in the entered data.
1a1. Expense Tracker informs user of the error.
Use case ends.
1b.Expense Tracker detects that the user is not logged into an account.
1b1. Expense Tracker informs user that they are not logged into any user.
Use case ends.
Use case: Toggle Notification
User keys in command to toggle on or off automated notifications.
Expense Tracker toggles automated notifications to the specified status.
Expense Tracker displays a success message.
Use case ends
1a.Expense Tracker detects error in the entered data.
1a1. Expense Tracker informs user of the error.
Use case ends.
1b.Expense Tracker detects that the user is not logged into an account.
1b1. Expense Tracker informs user that they are not logged into any user.
Use case ends.
Use case: View statistics
User keys in command to view the statistics of his expenditure information from a specified period of time.
Expense Tracker displays the statistics of the specified information.
Expense Tracker displays success message.
Use case ends
1a.Expense Tracker detects error in the entered data.
1a1. Expense Tracker informs user of the error.
Use case ends.
1b.Expense Tracker detects that the user is not logged into an account.
1b1. Expense Tracker informs user that they are not logged into any user.
Use case ends.
Use case: Open Help Window
User keys in command to open Help Window.
Expense Tracker opens a Help Window.
Expense Tracker displays success message.
Use case ends
1a.Expense Tracker detects that a Help window has already been open.
Use case resumes from step 3.
Use case: Redo Command
User keys in command to redo an undone command.
Expense Tracker redoes the undone command.
Expense Tracker displays success message.
Use case ends
1a.Expense Tracker detects that are no commands to redo.
1a1. Expense Tracker informs user that are no commands to redo.
Use case ends.
1b.Expense Tracker detects that the user is not logged into an account.
1b1. Expense Tracker informs user that they are not logged into any user.
Use case ends.
Use case: Undo Command
User keys in command to undo a previous command.
Expense Tracker undoes previous command.
Use case ends
1a.Expense Tracker detects that are no commands to undo.
1a1. Expense Tracker informs user that are no commands to undo.
Use case ends.
1b.Expense Tracker detects that the user is not logged into an account.
1b1. Expense Tracker informs user that they are not logged into any user.
Use case ends.
Use case: List
User keys in command to list expenses.
Expense Tracker displays the list of all recorded expenses.
Use case ends
1a.Expense Tracker detects error in the entered data.
1a1. Expense Tracker informs user of the error.
Use case ends.
1b.Expense Tracker detects that the user is not logged into an account.
1b1. Expense Tracker informs user that they are not logged into any user.
Use case ends.
Use case: Encrypt
User keys in command to encrypt a specified string.
Expense Tracker encrypts the specified
with the user’s encryption key.Use case ends
1a.Expense Tracker detects that the user is not logged into an account.
1a1. Expense Tracker informs user that they are not logged into any user.
Use case ends.
Use case: Decrypt
User keys in command to decrypt a specified encrypted string.
Expense Tracker decrypts the specified
with the user’s encryption key.Use case ends
1a.Expense Tracker detects that the specified string was not encrypted with the user’s encryption key.
1a1. Expense Tracker informs user that the specified string was not encrypted with the user’s encryption key.
Use case ends.
1b.Expense Tracker detects that the user is not logged into an account.
1b1. Expense Tracker informs user that they are not logged into any user.
Use case ends.
Use case: Exit Expense Tracker
User keys in command to exit out of Expense Tracker.
Expense Tracker shuts down.
Use case ends
Appendix D: Non Functional Requirements
Should work on any mainstream OS as long as it has Java
or higher installed. -
Should be able to hold up to 1000 expenses without a noticeable sluggishness in performance for typical usage.
A user with above average typing speed for regular English text (i.e. not code, not system admin commands) should be able to accomplish most of the tasks faster using commands than using the mouse.
Appendix F: Instructions for Manual Testing
Given below are instructions to test the app manually.
F.1. Sign up for an account
Sign up for an account
Prerequisites: The application has been opened successfully and there are no other user accounts other than the sample user.
Test case:
signup tom
Expected: A message is shown to indicate that the usertom
has been created successfully. -
Test case:
signup tom doe
Expected: A message is shown to indicate that the USERNAME is invalid and shows the criteria for a valid USERNAME.
Sign up for an account with an existing Username
Prerequisites: There exists a user account with
Test case:
signup tom
Expected: A message is shown to indicate that the user already exists.
F.2. Log in to an account
Log in to an account with no password
Prerequisites: There exists a user account with
which has noPassword
set. There does not exist a user account withUsername
. -
Test case:
login u/tom
Expected: The UI expands (if it has not already been) to showtom
Expense Tracker information and a message shown to indicate thattom
has successfully logged in. -
Test case:
login u/tom p/password1
Expected: The UI expands (if it has not already been) to showtom
Expense Tracker information and a message shown to indicate thattom
has successfully logged in. -
Test case:
login u/jon
Expected: A message that indicates that the userjon
does not exist is shown.
Log in to an account with a password
Prerequisites: There exists a user account with
which hasPassword
set aspassword1
. -
Test case:
login u/tom
Expected: A message that indicates that the input password is incorrect is shown. -
Test case:
login u/tom p/password2
Expected: A message that indicates that the input password is incorrect is shown. -
Test case:
login u/tom p/password1
Expected: The UI expands (if it has not already been) to showtom
Expense Tracker information and a message shown to indicate thattom
has successfully logged in. -
Test case:
login u/jon
Expected: A message that indicates that the userjon
does not exist is shown.
F.3. Setting a budget
Setting a budget no matter what is listed.
Test case:
setBudget 2.00
Expected: Budget is set to $2.00. Current spendings update to the total costs of all expenses recorded. UI updates accordingly. -
Test case:
setBudget 0.00
Expected: Error message of no negative values being allowed is shown. Budget is not set. UI does not update. -
Test case:
setBudget -1.00
Expected: Similar to previous -
Test case:
setBudget 1
Expected: Budget is not set. Error details stating that the a valid budget consists of {int}.{digit}{digit} is shown in the status message. UI is not updated. -
Test case:
setBudget x
where x is not a number`
Expected: Budget is not set. Error message informing user of incorrect syntax is shown in the status message. UI is not updated. -
Other incorrect delete commands to try:
,setBudget x
where x is not a number with 2 decimal places.
Expected: Similar to previous
Adding an expense after budget has been set
Test case: Add a valid expense that does not cause the budget to exceed.
Expected: Status message shown is similar toadd
command. Budget is updated. UI is updated. -
Test case: Add a valid expense that causes the budget to exceed.
Expected: Status message shown is similar toadd
command. Budget is updated. UI is updated. Notification informing the user that adding this expense results in the budget exceeding is shown.
F.4. Setting a recurrence frequency
Setting the recurrence frequency.
Test case:
setRecurrenceFrequency sec/1
Expected: Recurrence frequency is set. Message showing that the recurrence frequency being set to 1 seconds is shown. -
Test case:
setRecurrenceFrequency hrs/1
Expected: Recurrence frequency is set. Message showing that the recurrence frequency being set to 3600 seconds is shown. -
Test case:
setRecurrenceFrequency 1
Expected: Recurrence frequency is not set. Error details are shown in the status message. -
Other incorrect recurrence frequency commands to try:
,setRecurrenceFrequency x
where x is a number without tags.
Expected: Similar to previous.
Budget is restarted after the set recurrence frequency.
Prerequisite: Tester is in the application.
Test case: Close the application. Open the application and login to the same account.
Expected: Budget not updated, expenses not deleted, nothing changes. -
Test case: Apply the command
setRecurrenceFrequency sec/1
. Close the application. Login to the same account.
Expected: Budget is now reset ($0/{initial budget}). Expenses not deleted. UI updates accordingly. -
Test case: Apply the command
setRecurrenceFrequency hr/1
. Close the application. Login to the same account.
Expected: Budget not updated, expenses not deleted, nothing changes.
F.5. Setting a category budget
Setting the Category Budget
Test case:
setCategoryBudget c/NEW_CATEGORY b/2.00
is a category not used by any expense.
Expected: Category Budget is set. Message showing that the Category budget is set is shown. Icon showing the category and its budget appears. -
Test case:
setCategoryBudget c/OLD_CATEGORY b/2.00
is a Category already used by at least one expense.
Expected: Similar to previous -
Test case:
setCategoryBudget c/INVALID_CATEGORY b/2.00
is an invalid Category.
Expected. Category Budget is not set. Error message displayed would be similar to when a user tries to add an expense with an invalid Category. -
Test case:
setCategoryBudget c/test b/INVALID_BUDGET
is an invalid Category.
Expected. Category Budget is not set. Error message displayed would be similar to when a user tries to add an expense with an invalid Budget. -
Test case:
Expected: Category Budget not set. Error details are shown in the status message. -
Other incorrect commands to try:
setCategoryBudget x
where x an alphanumeric without valid tags,setCatgoryBudget c/VALID_CATEGORY
,setCategoryBudget b/VALID_BUDGET
Expected: Similar to above.
Adding an expense after Category budget has been set
Test case: Add a valid expense that does not cause the Category budget to exceed.
Expected: Status message shown is similar toadd
command. Budget is updated. UI is updated. -
Test case: Add a valid expense that causes the Category budget to exceed, but not the total budget.
Expected: Status message shown is similar toadd
command. Budget is updated. UI is updated. Notification informing the user that adding this expense results in the budget exceeding is shown.
F.6. Set password for current user
Set password for a user with no previously set password #1
Prerequisites: Already logged into user with no previously set password.
Test case:
setPassword n/pass word
Expected: A message with valid password constraints is shown. -
Test case:
setPassword n/pass
Expected: A message with valid password constraints is shown. -
Test case:
setPassword n/password
Expected: A message indicating that the password has been changed is shown.
Set password for a user with no previously set password #2
Prerequisites: Already logged into user with no previously set password.
Test case:
setPassword o/passsss n/password1
Expected: A message indicating that the password has been changed is shown.
Set password for a user with a previously set password
Prerequisites: Already logged into user with
set aspassword1
. -
Test case:
setPassword n/password11
Expected: A message indicating that the old password is incorrect is shown. -
Test case:
setPassword n/password11 o/password2
Expected: A message indicating that the old password is incorrect is shown. -
Test case:
setPassword n/password11 o/password1
Expected: A message indicating that the password has been changed is shown.
F.7. Encrypting and Decrypting String
Encrypting and Decrypting a
Prerequisites: Already logged into a user account
Test case:
encrypt this is a test string
, and then usedecrypt STRING
is the encryptedString
obtained from the first command.
Expected: A message indicating that the decryptedString
isthis is a test string
is shown.
F.8. Showing statistics
Showing statistics based on expenses in Expense Tracker
Prerequisites: User must be logged in. Preferably, there should be expenses in Expense Tracker with varying dates, categories and costs.
Test case:
(defaults to periodAmount = 7, period = day, mode = time)
Expected: Statistics Panel will be shown (if not already showing). Expense Tracker will attempt to display statistics in a bar chart for expenses in the last 7 days, starting from the current day, aggregated by day. If there are no expenses in the last 7 days, a message will be shown saying that there are no expenses. -
Test case:
stats n/7 p/d m/t
(periodAmount = 7, period = day, mode = time)
Expected: Exactly the same as above. -
Test case:
stats n/7 p/m m/t
(periodAmount = 7, period = month, mode = time)
Expected: Statistics Panel will be shown (if not already showing). Expense Tracker will attempt to display statistics in a bar chart for expenses in the last 7 months, starting from the current month, aggregated by month. If there are no expenses in the last 7 months, a message will be shown saying that there are no expenses. -
Test case:
stats n/7 p/m m/c
(periodAmount = 7, period = month, mode = category)
Expected: Statistics Panel will be shown (if not already showing). Expense Tracker will attempt to display statistics in a pie chart for expenses in the last 7 months, starting from the current month, aggregated by category. If there are no expenses in the last 7 months, a message will be shown saying that there are no expenses.
F.9. Notification Panel
Updating the Notification Panel
Prerequisites: Create a new account using
signup x
where x is any valid username. Test cases should be performed one after the other. -
Test case:
login u/x
, where x is the username of the new account.
Expected: Two notifications should appear in the the `NotificationPanel`list. The topmost notification should contain a saving tip. The bottommost notification should containing a warning to the user that their recurrence time has not been set. -
Test case:
add n/test c/test $/27.00
Expected: A notification should appear at the top of theNotificationPanel
containing a warning to the user that they are about to go over budget. -
Additional command to try:
edit 1 $/27.50
Expected: Similar to previous. -
Test case:
add n/test c/test $/28.50
Expected: A notification should appear at the top of theNotificationPanel
containing a warning to the user that they are over budget. -
Additional command to try:
edit 1 $/29.00
Expected: Similar to previous.
F.10. Toggling Notifications
Toggling Notifications On and Off
Prerequisites: User must be logged in. Set the budget to $10.00 by using entering
setBudget 10.00
. Test cases should be performed one after the other. -
Test case:
notification n/warning t/on
+add n/test c/test $/11.00
Expected: A notification should appear on the theNotificationPanel
containing a warning that you are over budget. -
Test case:
notification n/warning t/off
+add n/test c/test $/11.00
Expected: No new notifications should appear on theNotificationPanel
. -
Test case:
notification n/tip t/on
Expected: 24 hours after the previous tip was sent, a notification should appear on the theNotificationPanel
containing a saving tip. -
Test case:
notification n/tip t/off
Expected: No new notifications containing saving tips should appear after any length of time. -
Test case:
Expected: Error details shown in the status message. -
Other incorrect delete commands to try:
notification x
where x is any input,notification n/x t/on
where x is any input other thantip
,notification n/warning t/x
where x is any input other thanon
Expected: Similar to previous.
F.11. Budget Panel
Updating the Budget Panel
Prerequisites: Create a new account using
signup x
where x is any valid username and login to said account usinglogin u/x
. Test cases should be performed one after the other. -
Test case:
add n/test c/test $/4.00
should be updated .BudgetPanel#expenseDisplay
should be updated to display "$4.00". Both of these elements should be colored green. -
Test case:
add n/test c/test $/40.00
should be updated.BudgetPanel#expenseDisplay
should be updated to display "$40.00". Both of these elements should be colored red. -
Test case:
setBudget $/1000.00
should be updated.BudgetPanel#budgetCapDisplay
should be updated to display "$1000.00".BudgetPanel#expenseDisplay
should be colored green.
F.12. Category Panel
Updating the Category Panel
Prerequisites: Create a new account using
signup x
where x is any valid username and login to said account usinglogin u/x
. Test cases should be performed one after the other. -
Test case:
setBudget 100.00
+setCategoryBudget c/Food b/50.00
+add n/test c/Food $/25.00
Expected: A newCategoryIcon
should appear in theCategoryPanel
. The upper text should display "Food" and the lower text should display "50.00%" -
Test case:
setCategoryBudget c/New b/00.00
+add n/test c/New $/10.00
Expected: A newCategoryIcon
should appear in theCategoryPanel
. The upper text should display "New" and the lower text should display "1000.00%" -
Test case:
setCategoryBudget c/Food b/25.00
Expected: The bottommost text of the firstCategoryIcon
should now update to display "100.00%". -
Test case:
setCategoryBudget c/Fees b/10.00
+setCategoryBudget c/Bus b/10.00
+setCategoryBudget c/Bills b/10.00
Expected: Four of the five addedCategoryIcon
objects should be displayed inCategoryPanel
F.13. Find expenses
Find expenses that are in the ExpenseTracker
Prerequisites: Logged in to an account and the targeted expenses exist in the account.
Test case:
find n/lunch
Expected: The expenses with name "lunch" are shown on the expense list panel. Number of expenses found is shown as the status message. -
Test case:
find c/food $/1.00:2.00
Expected: The expenses under "food" category with cost between 1.00 and 2.00(inclusive) are shown on the expense list panel. Number of expense found is shown as the status message.
Find expenses that are not in the ExpenseTracker
Prerequisites: Logged in to an account and the targeted expenses do not exist in the account.
Test case:
find (any keywords that would not direct to existing expenses)
Expected: No expense is shown on expense list panel. "0 expenses listed!" is shown as status message.
F.14. Mass edit expenses
Mass edit expenses that are in the ExpenseTracker
Prerequisites: Logged in to an account and the targeted expenses exist in the account.
Test case:
massedit c/school -> c/food
Expected: Edits all the expenses in the "school" category to have their categories changed to "food" and the edited expenses are shown on the screen. Success message is shown as status message. -
Test case:
massedit n/School fee d/01-10-2018:03-10-2018 -> t/books
Expected: Edits all the expenses which have names containing "School", with dates between "01-10-2018" and "03-10-2018", to have their tags changed to "book". The edited expenses are shown as status message.
Mass edit expenses that are not in the ExpenseTracker
Prerequisites: Logged in to an account and the targeted expenses do not exist in the account.
Test case:
massedit (any keywords that would not direct to existing expenses) -> (any edited field)
Expected: No expense is shown on expense list panel. "No expense is found by the keywords." is shown as status message.